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The DNA Diet and Nutrigenomics - Nutritional Health Monitoring on the Road to Optimal Nutrition

The DNA Diet and Nutrigenomics - Nutritional Health Monitoring on the Road to Optimal Nutrition
The DNA diet was created by owners of a nutrition and health center. Each plan analyzes your recent results from the DNA tests, and then, immediately, tells you what actions you should take to drop the weight. According to the owners, this diet will tell you everything from when to expect weight gain to how much exercise you should be doing to what types of foods you should be eating. When it comes to dieting and weight loss, check https://www.dietcypher.com for help.

Although these are only three of the many advantages offered by the DNA diet, it's important to know exactly what they are. For starters, there is a genetic predisposition to obesity that makes everyone overweight. But, it doesn't stop there; if your parents and grandparents were also overweight, chances are that you are also destined to become over-weight. DNA studies can determine whether this hereditary predisposition exists or not. Once you know for sure, you can begin taking the necessary steps to beat obesity.

Many of the DNA diet recommendations are geared toward increasing your intake of vegetables and avoiding simple carbohydrates such as sugar. By eliminating or reducing these simple carbs, the diet focuses on proteins instead. The DNA diet recommends consuming three times more protein than the recommended daily allowance of carbohydrates. The reason for this is that the body has a difficult time breaking down complex carbohydrates like sugar when you have too many of them. As a result, the insulin levels in your bloodstream start to spike.

While experts in the field of nutrition support the notion of overall calorie control, this is not necessarily the case with all DNA diets. The DNA diet recommends eating three meals a day, spread throughout the day. This way, your body isn't hit with the sudden surge of insulin. Another recommendation of the DNA diets is eating breakfast because your metabolism will raise earlier in the morning. In addition to boosting your metabolism, eating breakfast will help regulate your blood sugar levels, which will prevent you from experiencing any episodes of hypoglycemia.

As far as eating healthy foods goes on the DNA diet, you're encouraged to avoid processed and packaged foods. Instead, focus your eating habits on organic and natural foods as shown here. To make up for the lack of dietary fiber in your meals, you're encouraged to eat one egg for every pound of desired body weight. If you can't stand eggs, consider purchasing low-fat or low-cholesterol dairy products instead. Most importantly, avoid drinking sodas and alcoholic beverages on the DNA diet.

As you can see, the DNA diet and Nutrigenomics go hand in hand. While it may be impossible to completely avoid processed foods on the Internet, you can significantly reduce your consumption of these unhealthy snacks by incorporating more healthy foods into your diet. In addition to helping you achieve optimal health, the DNA diet and Nutrigenomics can also help you lose weight, improve your skin, and increase your stamina.

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